It’s an age-old saying, “Eat an apple before going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” Why apples? If that’s the thought running through your mind, here we are with some answers. Apples among other food products have anti-inflammatory effects which can regulate the body’s inflammation to its optimum level.

Inflammation is the body’s way of generating power to fight out immediate threats from infectious foreign bodies, toxic chemicals, and even stress. In certain medical conditions, of which RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) covers a major area the body inflammation level goes way beyond the normal level. According to Mansour Mohamadzadeh from the University of Florida, who directs the Center for Inflammation and Mucosal Immunology, “In a healthy situation, inflammation serves as a good friend to our body. But if immune cells start to overreact, that inflammation can be totally directed against us.”

A commonly known case arises in IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). This is an autoimmune condition that results in diarrhea, ulcers often muscle cramps. This condition can also increase the chances of a heart attack resulting from the clotting of blood cells. According to a study which has been published back in 2012 a specific protein known as interleukin-6 plays the key role here. In 2014 Harvard came up with the fact that inflammation coupled with obesity can be lethal. It increases the probability of colorectal cancer by an accountable 63%. Another way to understand whether or not you are being subjected to an irregular level of inflammation is to note the hours of your sleep. A person who suffers from inflammation will notice changes in sleeping habits. Inflammation also leads to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) which leads to difficulty in breathing.

Most of these ill effects can be prevented if an anti-inflammatory diet is taken up. This is not a crash course or a time-based chart. An anti-inflammatory diet is more of a guideline that equips you with a general awareness of what needs to be done.

Beans to help fight inflammation

Let’s have a component-wise look at things:

  • The first thing is water. Intake of pure water is mandated for inflammatory conditions. It helps to stabilize the body. Avoid contaminated water and chlorinated water. It is always best to use a water purifier just to be sure.
  • Carbohydrates should be kept at a bare minimum. Supposing an average intake of 2000 calories a day, carbohydrates should be bound to 160 – 240 gms. The concentration of your must be whole grains with a low count of the glycemic index. Beans, sweet potatoes, and winter squashes can be looked upon.
  • In the same consumption trajectory, fats need to be curbed at 600 calories. This would mean the consumption of 67 – 70 gms of fat a day. The trick is to avoid saturated fat in the forms of butter, churned cream, unskinned chicken, and high-fat dairy products. It is welcome for dry fruits such as cashew, almonds rich in vitamin E, and walnuts having omega-3 fatty acids to be an integral part of diurnal fat intake. Usage of Sunflower Oil, Mixed Vegetable Oil, and Corn Oil is better avoided and replaced by Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Fibers if taken at a nominal 40gm a day can work wonders. This means more fruits and veggies on your plate. Cereals are also good sources of fibers and can as well be opted for. Oats, Lentils, and Beans are known sources of fiber. Pears and Apples amongst other fruits can be helpful.
  • Phytonutrients can be healing when it comes to cardiovascular diseases. A regular intake of fruits such as berries, oranges, and black grapes can be preferred. Soy Foods can be inspiring in this section as well vegetables from the cabbage family and other leafy green veggies are worth putting in the diet chart. The color spectrum of food can be referred to choose different shades namely, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, broccoli, and kale.
  • Sea Foods must be taken in as a part of the diet now and then if possible. This would help balance the mineral requirements. They also regulate the IL-6 protein levels to bring down inflammation. Coldwater fishes like Salmon, Sardines, Tuna, and Anchovies can easily be looked upon as good remedies. If it is not permissible for fish to be a part of the diet, one can opt for supplementary capsules with the content of EPA and DHA. Doctors should be consulted before moving on to any supplements.

In conclusion

To sum things up, it is essential to expand the variety of what you consume. The dietary plan should be diverse with strict limits on fast food and quick unhealthy snacks. The major part of the diet must consist of fresh food, fruits, and vegetables. Let’s make it a point to prevent the disease than later suffer looking out for a cure.

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Author: Editor