

Individuals when trying to lose weight do face a lot of confusion when choosing the right weight loss plan and especially the right diet and nutrition that is effective. The internet is filled with a lot of dos and don’ts that can make you feel totally confused.  According to Ronnie Coleman, a professional body builder, the 3 major diet mistakes to avoid when losing weight are as follows:

  1. Insufficient protein – Protein is very essential for the body and if this is not sufficient in the body, it means that your body is being robbed of its potential strength and size. If your training is for good muscles then a minimum of 1g protein per pound of body weight is essential. This protein can be got from lean meat (fish, chicken, lean beef) eggs.


  1. Eating bad carbs – it is not how many carbs to eat per day instead it is important to check what type of carbs you eat. Mostly these carbs can be got from whole grains, veggies, legumes and certain fruits. Keep simple carbohydrates at bay and concentrate on the complex carbs that allow the body extra time to break down and get spent. For this purpose, you can use the glycemic index that will give you the magnitude of the effect on the body’s blood glucose level. Remember, the lower the level the better.

  1. Skipping meals – this is one of the grave diet mistakes to avoid during a weight loss program. Instead, you should have 3 meals and 2 snacks each day. Ronnie Coleman suggests:

“Meal 1 – Breakfast

Meal 2 – Protein Shake

Meal 3 – Lunch

Meal 4 – Protein Shake

Meal 5 – Dinner

Meal 6 – Protein Shake before bed (optional)”


Furthermore, note that carbs should be taken most of the time before and after workouts. This provides the energy for upcoming workouts and also replaces the glycogen spent by the body after intense exercise.


Besides Ronnie Coleman we have advice from other nutrition coaches on diet mistakes to avoid during weight loss.


  1. All the calories are not counted – Chris Mosier says that most of his clients when asked about their daily meal log, he gets the answer as breakfast, lunch and dinner wherein the snacks are avoided. Chris says, “These people are snacking, but they aren’t adding it toward their daily caloric intake total. Most people don’t realize how much these bites can add up, not to mention the toll that beverages like soda or booze, can take on your waistline.”
  2. Forgetting what you eat during the day – This happens very casually for everyone. Not wanting to waste your child’s left over snack, biting into a piece of your colleague’s birthday cake or just snacking on some not so welcome snacks while working. All these go unnoticed. But this is really bad. It’s better to maintain a small log book and enter the food taken in during the entire day. At the same time, it’s not necessary that you should deprive yourself of these foods, it should be limited.


  1. Don’t skip meals – it is always understood wrongly that you can achieve weight loss by skipping meals. This is one of the many bad diet mistakes to avoid during weight loss. If you skip a meal then you get hungrier and ultimately end up overeating at the next meal. Eating times should be made regular since irregular eating habits can also disturb the body’s metabolism and the blood sugar levels.


  1. Portion control – Karen Gordon says, “It’s so easy to eat more than you need, but the good news is you have an accurate healthy portion measure with you already: your hand! Proteins, such as meat or fish, should be the size of your palm, a single serving of carbohydrates is one handful, and vegetables and salads should fit into two closely cupped hands. If these portions look small, try chewing your food slower…”


  1. Fix your diet – Though these points may seem totally confusing and tiresome to follow it does provide good results. The best way to avoid getting confused when sorting out the diet mistakes to avoid is to just stop worrying about the amount of calories that you are taking in and instead concentrate on what types of food you are actually eating. Nutrition and fitness coach Allie Whitesides advises “Eat food that you prepare, less packaged goods, and include a balance of protein, healthy fats, whole grains, and lots of fresh veggies and fruits.”



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Author: Editor